Social media can be to much sometimes!
It has been made easier than ever to stay connected to other people and get addicted.
The connectivity it offers can likely affect your mental health and not in a healthy way. Social media use has been linked to an increase in isolation, tension, unhappiness, and loneliness. It is very important to create a healthy balance between your real and online life.
Logging onto social media, you are exposed to content such as:
People’s life like travel, job promotions, birthday, and wedding events, etc. Some will feel FOMO - the fear of missing out
Hate and violence that is going on in the world
If this makes you feel drained or causing you tension, then it is time to step back. Be selective of what you want to see. Here are some practical ways to put some distance.
Set a time limit
Even when you are trying to cut down your time on social media, you can still responsibly keep in touch with family or friends. It is up to you to define what that should look like for you, be it limiting the number of hours you use social media, apps, Facebook, or other. You have to know which ones are the one that keep you scrolling for a longer period of time.
Recognize when you are enjoying yourself to experiencing a negative feeling when using social media. This can help with gaining insight into what your limits should be.
Recognize your triggers
Start with recognizing your triggers for when you engage on social media. Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling as soon as you wake up, in your morning Uber ride to work, or during business or social events?
Once you recognize your trigger, you can plan for how you could spend your time in different ways. You can do in the morning instead of scrolling on your phone:
As soon as you wake up, meditate or have a quick workout
On your Uber ride, tune into podcasts, converse with the driver, or stay present instead
On business or social events, make an effort to connect with people in real life instead. Networking shows a stronger social connection and have a positively impact your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
For example, instead of thumbing through your phone. Choose one device to check up on social media and do not make it your phone.
Delete Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media apps from your phone and do your daily check in from your computer. This will make it less tempting for you to fall into mindless scrolling and put a stop to those dopamine releasing notifications.
Be picky about what you read
Always get your news from trusted sites, not friends on Facebook, and choose books, podcasts, or engaging articles to explore. This content is more entertaining than a family member’s status update, but it also stimulates your brain!
Re-examine your relationship with social media
When it is time to re-examine your relationship with social media, be honest with yourself.
How did you feel during the break? If you enjoyed it, you may decide to stay off it. However, if you think you could handle more social media usage, make a plan to ease your way back into it but with time limits that make sense for you.
Social media is supposed to be fun, a source of entertainment and distraction. If this is anything but that, then do not be afraid to ditch it.
Fill your days with things that fulfill you
Give yourself good reasons to unplug! Spend time with the people you care about, set goals, and work towards them. Keep busy with activities that bring you joy. The best way to take a step back from the online world is to create a life worth living offline.
Social media can be overpowering, but only if we allow it. Remember, you are the one who is in control!